Specialist Real Estate Photographer in Auckland New Zealand
As creatives, we specialise in property because very rarely is there a stronger story to be told.
For some the building of your dream home or for others the home we took our first steps in.
Each property represents a decision, an action, and a new stage.
We look towards emotion to create engagement and do not agree with the mundane.
We are Blueprint Studios.
We understand value and look to innovate our efficiencies and service. We’ve priced our package to ensure we deliver quality results time and time again, not only making agents look the best they can but also the properties they list too.
With the current housing crisis facing New Zealand, the Government is helping developers at an astounding rate. As we have come from brand and story-driven content, yet focus on property the Blueprint Studios team are perfect for the job.
Wanting a brand piece to communicate your work with banks and internal decision-makers, showcase a single development or a television-style advertisement? We would like to hear from you!
Using technology on site the team are able to quickly map the floorplan of your home. Show flow, the size of the room, and the angle of the building through this simple add on.
With both 2d and 3d options available your Blueprint producer has been trained with the software and is able to do your floor plan once they have finished capturing the best light.
Floor plans are used to show the layout and are indicative only but allow your potential purchasers to look at changes or additions they may want to make following a successful purchase.
2d Floorplans are a staple with most property marketing campaigns having it included. With our floorpans we show the flow of the property including all the main fashioning including the bedroom orientation, tables, kitchen appliances, fire places and more.
Looking for a little more punch to your floorplans? We are able to complete 3d floorplans with detail matched from the photos to create a realistic look of the property. These Floorplans capture more of the feeling of the home and are a great addition to your property marketing campaign.
Think of us as an extension of the exceptional service you already offer, a partner in content.
For a long time, digital marketing such as Ad Words was enough to land the next job. It is widely known that this is no longer working as well as it did and potential customers are now looking for examples of your work or craftsmanship before locking in their next project partner.
We support a wide range of businesses from; builders, to property stagers, electricians, and everything in between.
These jobs give the Blueprint Studios team the opportunity to be creative and ideas on how to convert key messages start flowing. Wanting to discuss an advertorial piece for your property service business.
For More Info: www.blueprintstudios.co.nz/aerial-drone/
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